Friday, February 15, 2013

Hello everyone! and happy (late) valentines day(:
I hope you all had a good one(; I know I did!
plz tell me the best part of your day today or yesterday(:
Love, Cassidy
Hello everyone! and happy (late) valentines day(:
I hope you all had a good one(; I know I did!
plz tell me the best part of your day today or yesterday(:
Love, Cassidy

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Web show???

So what do u think web show or no web show??
Plz give me some responses!!! 
Tell me what u think???

Friday, February 8, 2013

Hey peeps sorry about me (not being on) I know I said I would be on more but I'm so busy!!
I'm super glad about all these page view's! EEk! so many(: And the poll is closed!!! Ugg boots win!! If you look below you'll see them( : Hehe Love you all, Cassidy( :

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Hey guys I haven't been on in forever!!! /: EEK! But Now Im gonna be on a lot, truth is, I kind of forgot about it..but now im gonn abe on a lot, and how bout a web show?? Would you guys want that?? Comment!! Tell me what you want more of! Tell me everything:D Please do!!!
Thanks, forever yours, Cassidy

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hey you wanna know a few things about me? Well Ill tell you a few of my fav shoes love these shoes!!!

Love these!!!!

So awesome!
Okay the votes r in and it was between a Fuzzy bunny and a kitten!!

This one is from
Idk where this one is from! Hope u liked what u picked!